Fitness Accountability Groups

Each month I host an online fitness accountability group. I provide online group coaching and we focus on what you need to succeed: fitness, nutrition, support and accountability. 

Here's a little breakdown of my Challenge Groups:
  1. Each person will select a Beachbody fitness program to use throughout the challenge. I will help you find the program that best fits your lifestyle, fitness and nutrition goals.
  2. You will supplement your daily diet, or replace a meal, with Shakeology. It is your daily dose of dense superfood nutrition...and will completely change your outlook on "green" smoothies, protein shakes and superfood powders! ;) 
  3. Every challenger will be added to a private Facebook Group. This is where we will all communicate, motivate and hold ourselves accountable. There will be daily tasks and plenty of opportunity to ask questions, share non scale victories, talk about any ups and downs...a supportive, giant ball of positivity. You will also receive 1-on-1 coaching from me. 
  4. Commitment. You must be 100% committed to this group from Day 1. I'm not the "kick-ass" kind of health coach, but when it comes to commitment, I am. You're not a quitter and I won't let you be one! I, and the rest of the challengers, will help you go from where you are now to where you want to be. 
  5. It will be fun. Plain and simple! 
So if you're feeling stuck, unmotivated, weighed down by your job and daily responsibilities, if you feel like there's no room to grow or spice up your life....this Challenge Group will change that

If you've been on the "I'll go to the gym!" bandwagon a hundred times and didn't stick with it or if you've tried a workout DVD at home before and didn't finish....this Challenge Group will give you the support to succeed. Not only will the group give you the tools and accountability to stay on track with your journey to a healthier lifestyle, but you will gain valuable insight into yourself and grow into the person you want to be. 

It's time you put yourself first. It's time you made time for you. It's not selfish, it's necessary. When you are healthy and happy, you can then help others around you be healthy and happy! 

If you have any questions or want to know more information, let's set up a time to chat. You can contact email me at: theglowstickdiaries(at)gmail(dot)com. Looking forward to speaking with you! Or better yet...seeing you in one of my Challenge Groups.

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