
Lindsey is a San Francisco based blogger and holistic health and fitness coach. She holds her BA in Journalism from Northeastern University in Boston, where she spent 5 snowy years away from her hometown of San Diego.

In addition to writing a self-empowerment blog, Lindsey coaches clients to live an authentic, fun and fulfilling life. She works closely with clients to find which lifestyle practices, diets and fitness routines allow them to live a healthy and inspired life. Lindsey's approach can be described in three words: simple, empowering, sustainable. And fun. (That's four.)

For most of her college years, Lindsey struggled with disordered eating, negative body image and obsessive exercise habits. She thought that by controlling what, when, where and how much she ate, she would be able to control everything else in her life. But life only got more stressful as she continued to measure, count, restrict and feel guilty over everything she put in her body. Mornings would begin by standing in front of the mirror, staring at her "flaws" and hating how her body looked. Days would be consumed with guilt as she could never be perfect enough with her eating. Exercise was punishment. Nourishing her body was the last thing she ever thought about. Until one day...the lightbulb went off. Determined not to live the rest of her life controlled by obsessive eating and exercising habits, Lindsey began her journey in health and wellness. It was a long winding path, full of ups and downs, tears, happiness and lots of sessions with her counselor and holistic doctors. 

During her senior year of college, Lindsey enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she received her certification in holistic health coaching. Through IIN's program, she learned over 100 different dietary theories as well as practical lifestyle coaching methods. Lindsey learned the importance of listening to her body and nourishing it with good foods. She learned how to deal with stress in healthier ways. 

Lindsey then became a Beachbody coach and found her love of fitness and exercise once again. Through their workout programs and Shakeology, she began exercising for the right reasons. Through Beachbody, Lindsey can now reach more people in their health and fitness journey by coaching them through 30 day online challenge groups. Being on a team of Beachbody coaches and other IIN Grads has been one of the most positive and rewarding things in her life.

Lindsey's "why" is to help other people. To help them live a life of their dreams. To help them find their power and self-worth. To help them lead their healthiest life through balanced nutrition and fitness. And most importantly, to help anyone struggling with negative body image. Although it was one of the toughest journeys she has been on, taking the step heal her destructive relationship with her body was worth every ounce of effort. It can and does get better.

To learn more about Lindsey's health and lifestyle coaching programs, contact her at theglowstickdiaries(at)gmail.com. Thank you for stopping by! :)

My story and my "why" for becoming a health and fitness coach!

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