
It was during a late-night Pinterest research session that Lindsey came across this quote: 

“It’s okay to be a glow stick; sometimes we need to break before we shine.” 
It struck a cord with her, but she continued to Pin and sip her glass of Sauvignon Blanc, not thinking much of it. 

It wasn’t until the next day, as she through the pages of her “book” on her computer, wondering when/where/how to share her musings, lessons, motivation and embarrassing stories, that the idea for The Glow Stick Diaries (which has now gone from a blog to a business, "Life by Design") came to be. And after a few weeks of organizing, late-nights full of swearing at Wordpress and making sure the yellow on her header was juuuust the right color, The Glow Stick Diaries was born into cyberspace.

Drawing from her struggles with disordered eating, negative body image and food obsession during her first years of college, and then the healing that took place after, Lindsey believes we sometimes have to shake and break before we can find our “light.” Just like a glow stick. 

That “inner glow stick” of ours knows a lot. And after years of ignoring that inner wisdom and only listening to her mind (telling her what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, guilting her for eating that “bad” food), Lindsey realized the overall negative impact it had on her health…mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Since then, she has learned to respect and listen more closely to her inner wisdom. It was through tuning in, understanding and following what her “inner glow stick” was telling (and sometimes screaming) at her to do, that Lindsey learned the power she has as a person. The power and courage that we all have. The power and courage that we all have to understand ourselves on a more intuitive level and follow our dreams. 

The Glow Stick Diaries/Life By Design is a compilation of stories, inspiration, and tips and tricks where you can learn to start listening to your inner wisdom. Because once we allow our intuition to be our guide, that’s when we start gaining the power, courage and passion to create and live the life we want. To start following our dreams. Even if it’s just in the tiniest of ways. 

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