Sunday, December 14, 2014

Trust Your Body: A different piece of healthy holiday advice

I am writing a different kind of "healthy holiday advice." Something that isn't in the mainstream "how to avoid gaining weight over the holidays." But I think it's equally as important to consider.

It's about trusting your body. It's about trusting it to know when it's hungry, when it's full and when it does and doesn't want to eat. Granted, this is a mindful and intuitive habit that comes with practice. But if we ever want to get to a place of trust and intuition when it comes to our bodies and eating, it's a good idea to start thinking about it now.

A lot of the advice we see plastered all over the place during the holidays is valid. It is, in many ways, needed and necessary. But it also feeds the belief that we don't trust our bodies enough to not gain weight over the holidays. This mainstream advice stems from the belief that our bodies don't know any better. Without tons of rules and mind control, it will go on a rampage at every holiday party and stuff itself silly.

That's not what our bodies want. Ever. Our bodies want ease, nourishment and equilibrium. As do our minds. But we allow our minds and bodies to be on two different teams, one against the other. If we don't control our bodies with our minds, we'll over-eat and gain weight.

But if we trust our bodies, its signals and cues, we most likely won't gain the 10-15 pounds of weight over the holidays. We'll naturally know when to eat and when to stop. We'll naturally know that we don't want any more rich, sugary foods or alcohol. Bring your minds and bodies back on the same team and go into those parties and holiday gatherings with complete trust that you, your mind and body, know what's best and the healthiest.

Respect and love yourself enough not to create a self-fulfilling prophecy of "Oh, I'm going to gain weight over the holidays. I'm going to eat so unhealthfully. I'm not going to be healthy." When we tell ourselves that, it usually becomes true. So trust your body, there's no need to over think. If you do eat a more than usual one day, we naturally eat a little less the next day because we aren't as hungry. Our bodies instinctively know how to balance out and create equilibrium once again.

Mindful and intuitive eating comes with practice. So begin practicing by holding this advice in the back of your mind when you enter the holidays. While you're creating that trusting relationship with your body, certainly, look toward the healthy eating and fitness advice going around. It's not a bad thing! I myself have proudly made "Your Guide to Healthier Holidays" and a "Christmas Day Action Plan." But it can subconsciously feed the modern belief that our bodies don't know what to do, so our minds have to take the lead and control, control, control around food. Consider that.

I made a video about the topic as well. It basically reiterates everything I said here....but in video format ;)

I wish you all love, peace and happiness during this time!! Sending my best <3

Get Your Guide to Healthy Holidays!

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