Thursday, May 29, 2014

10 Core Beliefs to Live By

1. Everything serves a purpose; no matter how small, large, painful or uplifting it is

2. Everything happens for a reason. Even if that reason is unknown in the present, it will come known when it is the right time.

3. Learn to listen to your intuition. Those gut feelings are 99.9% right (statistic does not apply when under the influence of alcohol. #personalexperience). Respect the voices of society, friends and family, but know they are not your true voice. Do what you intuitively, at a soul-level, know what to do.

4. Thought become things. Period.

5. You have more power within you that you'll ever know. Power to do and create anything you want. Step one is to listen to your intuition and step two is to have the courage to do what scares you (hard, but do-able. I will motivate you.)

6. You should not rely on other people or things to make you happy. That happiness starts on your own, from within.

7. Let your faith be bigger than your fears. Doubt kills more dreams that failure ever will. So learn to rely on faith and dreams, rather than fear and doubt, no matter how inviting and deceivingly comforting they may seem.

8. Know your "why" and motivations for everything you do. When you clarify your "why" and live each day for it, everything else will fall into place. Whether it's "why" you're switching jobs or "why" you're not eating the ice cream, our motivations give us the power to change something for the better (or worse).

9. Taking care of yourself means doing what is best for your body and soul. So yes, eat whole, nutritious foods, exercise, but also balance that out with some drunken nights and Ben & Jerry's. (Part of my soul will die for saying this but, YOLO)

10. Life should not be full of giant "what-ifs." If you want something, you can make it happen. Don't let yourself get stuck in a place where you're always wondering about that "what-if." Fucking do it. Fear and doubt come from our logical mind, not from our heart, soul and intuition, the elements that really make up a fulfilling and passionate life.

A lot of these core beliefs are easier said than done. Believe me, I know.
It will be my mission to write posts and touch upon each of these points, explaining them more in depth and providing exercises/mantras/motivation/inspiration to make them easily applicable to your life. Not just hot-air :)

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