Friday, May 30, 2014

Feeling Restless? Why You Should Settle Into the Present Moment Instead

I am restless to a fault sometimes. If I get unsettled, lost, confused or lonely with my present life, I usually go searching for “the something” that will make me happy. And usually this “something” is more drastic; moving, changing/searching for new jobs, picking up and leaving and traveling to some exotic place where worries don’t exist. (Take me back to Spain, please?)

Except that searching outwardly for the thing that will make me feel light, settled and content usually makes me feel more distressed and agitated.

The more I go searching for “the answer,” the more it eludes me. It’s like the enlightened feelings and adventure I seek are dancing in front of me and the more I reach, strain and try to capture it…the fainter it becomes.

Happiness isn’t found on the outside. That big, green, neon flashing sign pointing you in the right direction and down the right path isn’t found on the outside either. No matter how much you search for it.

Both those things are found when you sit with your present moment and chill. the hell. out. 
Both those things come from within. They come from being in the present moment and learning from whatever it brings you; no matter how painful, lonely or distressing the feelings can be. There’s no use escaping them. They’ll only keep following you. Settle down, feel those feelings and cry, scream, yell, write, run, dance if you need to. Let them flow through you. They are serving a purpose. I promise.

But don’t wallow in those feelings that are bringing you down. Respect them enough to sit and listen to what they have to say. Be present with them. But then treat those unsettled and restless feelings as a “call to action” to do things to ground yourself in the present moment. What grounds you? Is it yoga? Painting? Writing? Singing? A cup of coffee at a cafe with a friend? Spending more time outdoors and less time in front of a computer?

It’s only when we are in the present moment with our feelings, learn from them and take action that our intuition begins to speak and flow through our soul. Our intuition brings us happiness. Our intuitions speaks to us and puts us in the right alignment with The Universe. By listening to our intuition, we are naturally guided to those flashing green signs, pointing us in the direction of our next journey, when the time is right. Why waste energy fruitlessly searching for those signs and the “next thing” to make us happy, when we could instead relax and enjoy what we have in the present moment and have those things manifest themselves naturally in our life when we are ready for them? (And yes, that was a very long, run-on sentence. But, again, my blog = artistic Lindsey license)

It can be so difficult to have enough grounding sense, trust and faith in The Universe (or what/whoever you believe in) to let go of the reins of life when we’re not doing well. When all we want is to escape the present moment and go searching in earnest to find what will finally make us whole and happy. I have to constantly remind myself that it doesn’t work like that.

I have to dig through those uncomfortable emotions, hit low points and learn from what they are telling me. They are there to serve a purpose. It’s amazing how enlightened and empowered I feel when I put my faith and trust in The Universe to “work it out” and I live, learn and laugh in the present moment. That’s when the valuable lessons come through. Your intuition will guide and protect you. It always works in our best interest, despite our logical minds telling us otherwise. Letting go of those reigns lets all of the right kind of energy flow into your life and lead you in the exact right direction. Fear not, beautiful one.

So as I begin to sit and feel more comfortable with my uncomfortable feelings as of late, I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Although I usually have to remind myself to “chill the hell out” several times a day, it does get easier. And when I tell myself that I am exactly where I should be at this moment, because my intuition brought me here not long ago, I begin to trust again. I begin to trust in a bigger presence that is working magic for me “in the background” and doing things that I have no idea about…yet. But it’s all working in my favor. I mean, why not believe that?

I don’t need to have it all figured out yet. Even though when I’m going through a rough period, all I can think of is “figuring it out” and finding “the answer” to happiness.

The answer to happiness is to sit back, listen, learn, see and really feel what the present moment is bringing you. Both the good and the bad. Don’t go trying to “figure it out.” The answer will evade you until you settle into your present feelings and let your intuition speak from your heart.

Here are Three Powerful Journaling Exercises to get you started on the right track!

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