Wednesday, September 17, 2014


In my new neighborhood
Hello Beautiful Cyberspace Blog World!!

I'm back.

I know, I've been MIA for the past month or so.

Lots of (positive) change has been going on in my life, which required a lot of time/effort/energy/brain power/emotional endurance, so I gave my semi-Type A self permission to put The Glow Stick Diaries on a temporary "hold" while I focused my energies on my transitions.

Transitions include:

1. Deciding I wanted to pursue a job/career in holistic health and wellness in San Francisco.
2. Applying, interviewing and getting a new job in SF.
3. Putting in my two-weeks notice at work and packing up my apartment.
4. Saying good-bye to very special and wonderful people in my life (although I will see them fairly often...Napa isn't too far away ;)
5. Apartment searching in SF (what a shit show).
6. Putting my stuff in storage, moving into my apartment, starting a new job...

And currently tying up a few loose ends here and there. But other than that, my decision to move to San Francisco has been one of the best I made. Although I ran the gamut of emotions over this past month with all the change, it was all positive and so invigorating.

View from Alta Plaza park...a few blocks away.
I've only been in the city two weeks, but I feel so at home, so inspired, so comfortable and already feel like I have a work family. So grateful.

And might I add...after just 2 weeks of walking up these damned butt looks fantastic.

Anyways, even though full-on writing was on the back burner this past month, I certainly wasn't short of ideas, thoughts, inspiration, etc. Every time something popped into my mind, I wrote it down on a scrap piece of paper, on my iPhone, emailed it to myself - anything!

Blue Bottle Coffee = <3
So what I'm trying to say is, get ready for an outpouring of Lindsey's brain.

I'm so excited to get back to my passion project again :) I love writing, helping and inspiring in any way I can.

And as I sit here in my new, basically almost permanent (the landlord still needs to do *final* approval of my application) apartment, I am filled with such peace and gratitude.

Sending so much love to everyone and all my friends and family who have been there every second for me during this transition. I am one lucky girl to have so many supportive, encouraging people in my life. Thank you!

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