Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Let Go of Perfect

My vlog topic today: Perfection. 

How our idea and definition of "perfect" or "perfection," can be really limiting. 

For me personally, I tend to not post videos or blogs because I don't think they're "perfect" enough. Or I don't look "good enough" to post a video. I'm too embarrassed. Or I'm afraid that my idea isn't be "perfect" enough to be shared. Hell, it keeps me from wearing certain clothes sometimes because I don't think my body looks "perfect" or "good enough" to wear it. 

But I don't think I'm the only one being held back by that unattainable ideal of "perfect." It's ok for us to want things to be polished, professional, well-thought out, etc...but when it comes to us limiting or holding ourselves back because we're waiting for ourselves or something external to be "perfect"....Eff no. Let it go. Release it. 

So this video (far from my idea of "perfect") is me standing up to my standard of perfect when it comes to my writing and sharing of ideas. Shit, the video doesn't even fill up the entire YouTube screen ;) 

Enjoy! I'd love to hear any thoughts/ideas on this topic!

P.S. Since making this video I have found out my "temporary" living situation will now be my "permanent" living situation. Huzzah! 

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