Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Coach Spotlight: Stephanie Madison Podgor, Fitness Coach and Total Inspiration

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Stephanie Madison Podgor. She is a fellow teammate and Beachbody Coach and couldn't be more of an inspiration. I mean, seriously, her energy and enthusiasm crossed time zones and cyber space...I was in awe. I had been drawn to her unique, genuine and positive posts on Facebook, but it was her blog post that me realize I needed to interview her pronto. We chatted about what got her started with Beachbody, her journey as a coach and her "why." Which is always my favorite thing to learn about someone: What is their story? What is their why? 

Our interview lasted over 30 minutes, but I have put together a video that highlights all those points above. She also has some great advice to anyone wanting to get fit and healthy, but is finding a lot of excuses (legit or not) to avoid that positive change.

(**sidenote** Our WiFi/Internet connection was a little shaky, so there are times when the picture and voice do not match up. But...we're all adults here, we can handle it ;)

Enjoy watching!! She's an absolute delight.

You can follow Stephanie on Facebook here.

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