Thursday, January 29, 2015

What the heck is a Fitness Coach?

Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a wonderful week! So very excited and nervous (I'll be honest) to share my newest video with you. In light of my recent blog post about my friend and fellow coach, I wanted to create a video to share my coaching story: what inspired me to become a fitness coach, why I was scared as hell in the beginning and how I will continue to help others and grow a team of fit and fabulous people wanting to do the same! Lots of love heart emoticon 

Beachbody coaching and health coaching isn’t 100% my life. My life is mine and mine alone to define, through many other things. But Beachbody coaching helps instill my life with purpose, direction and gives me an incredible way to inspire and help others live a happy and healthy life...and earn an income while doing it. 

When I became a coach...

What I expected:
1. Discount on Shakeology and Beachbody programs
2. Ability to run challenge groups to help people get fit and reach their ideal weight
3. Earn enough money to pay for my Shakeology every month

What I actually got...
1. An opportunity to inspire and motivate others to be the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves
2. My team: an amazing community of coaches and friends who inspire and mentor me every day.
3. The incredible honor to watch people's life change beyond fitness and nutrition. The motivation, energy, confidence gained in the challenge group spills over into your life!
4. Easily pay for my shakeology orderand then some, every month.
5. A second source of income. I didn't expect to grow a business, but my business and income grew through HELPING people, so it just sort of happened naturally.
6. Confidence to be a mentor and leader.
7. A sense of fulfillment and purpose.
8. TRAVEL to Nashville in July 2015 for Coach Summit and fucking JAMAICA in spring of 2016 for the Beachbody cruise. I mean, WTF.
9. Oh yeah, the bomb-ass discount on my Shakeology and programs ;)

So yeah, you can imagine it was sort of like Christmas morning when I realized everything that I was blessed with when I took a chance and leap of faith to become a coach. 

Think you'd be a good fit? Questions? Interest? Want more details? Email me at: theglowstickdiaries(at) 

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