Monday, January 5, 2015

The ONE Thing That Will Make or Break Your New Year's Resolutions

I seriously hesitated to write this post. I didn't want to be just one more voice in the avalanche of "New Year's Resolutions" advice. BUT, since I do have some thoughts on the subject (surprise, surprise) and I have had some quite intense one-on-one sessions with myself about achieving goals and adapting a new mindset about it all, I thought I might as well share it here.

So, think about the goals and resolutions you set for 2015. You know what separates you from staring at those goals the rest of the year versus you actually achieving them? What separates you from falling off the "I can do it!" bandwagon in 2 months versus making it into a habit and part of your daily routine? 

It's believing in yourself. Like really, truly believing in yourself. 

Yep. The real deal breaker when it comes to achieving your New Year's resolutions is belief in yourself and belief that you can accomplish your goals. 

It's so simple, it sounds stupid, right? 

Again, take a look at / think about your goals. You've most likely written down things that you truly want to accomplish and that you really want to change...but do you really believe that you can? It's easy to write them down and say, "Yeah, I'm TOTALLY going to do it this time." But, do you really believe that you can do it? Do you really believe you can change?

To set yourself up for goal-crushing success this year, shift you mindset to one of true, deep conviction that you can actually achieve them. BELIEVE in yourself! If you believe in yourself and really believe that you're going to do it, no questions asked. When you have that kind of mindset, you are on the path to success. Because with that kind of mindset, little setbacks won't derail you for the rest of the year. You'll plan out action steps for the big, scary goals that don't seem realistically achievable (even though they are.) 

Every time you hear a voice of weak conviction, stop that story from growing even bigger. Shake your head, jump up and down, say "no" out loud, anything you can do to stop that self-doubt from growing louder and ultimately keep you from achieving all that you want. 

Believe in yourself. Shift your mindset. When you look at those goal, tell yourself that you will do it. And then DO IT. Make a plan, take small action steps every day, surround yourself with a supportive tribe, be consistent! 

When it comes to goals. Dream big and dream small. I'm talking about setting short-term, realistic goals for yourself. For me, I'm not drinking until my birthday on the 24th. My little liver got a lot of love over the holidays and I want to give it a break. It also works well since I'm doing the 21 Day Fix for my Challenge Group right now. But I will be that person going out with friends on a Friday night drinking soda water with a lemon wedge. Even as I write it, I'm doing a huge, sulking eye-roll.

But make BIG goals for yourself too! What do you dream of doing? How do you want to feel? Then break it down into action steps. You can't wake up one morning and be 30lbs lighter and have glowing skin. You CAN however, set mini-goals to help you along the way. Workout every day, join an accountability group, cut out fast food/soda/processed crap and adapt a cleaner diet, you can drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water (yes, water). All those little action steps, all those little commitments and goals will take you to that BIG goal of losing a certain amount of weight, having brighter skin, etc. Own it. And most importantly BELIEVE you can do it. Because you absolutely can. I mean, there's not even an ounce of doubt in my mind that someone couldn't achieve that if they put their mind to it and believed they could.

*Truth moment* I've set a huge goal to build my team of health and fitness coaches. I've set a goal to be able to pay my rent each month with income I make from health and fitness coaching by the end of the year. I want to write an ebook. All things that I could so easily not do because they're scary and I am filled with self-doubt. But I'm shifting my mindset, I WILL achieve these goals. 

If you need support, daily reminders and help building an actionable plan to get you there, I'm your gal. Either sign up for a free 30 minute health coaching consultation or joining my 30-day challenge group will give you the support and pathway to a better, healthier year.

SO much love and bouncing-up-and-down-clapping-my-hands-excitement for the new year and what we all will accomplish. Go get it and BELIEVE you can get it.

Ringing in the New Year at the Palace Hotel in SF ;)

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