Sunday, June 1, 2014

3 Powerful Journaling Exercises

1. The Morning Pages

The Morning Pages "are a stream of consciousness written in a journal first thing in the morning." When we first wake up we aren't fully, 100% conscious and a lot of our filters our down. This gives us easier access to our inner, deeper feelings and emotions. So for 10 minutes, or aim for 2 solid pages of writing, write your heart out. Doesn't matter what you write about. Write A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Whatever crosses your mind. Nothing is too trivial, insignificant, bad or weird to write down. No need to censor, as you will be the only one reading it. You can also do this "stream of consciousness" writing anytime of the day if mornings don't work out for you.

Even if you feel like you have nothing to write, start with exactly that. I've started my Morning Pages with: "I hate this. It's so stupid. I'm exhausted, tired and I don't feel like writing. My hand doesn't even work right now. What the fuck. I don't know what to write. I feel so frustrated all the time because ___________" .... and then I'm off in a very therapeutic dimension. Five pages later I feel a lot lighter, usually have pinpointed the root cause of my distress and I'm off and running for the day.

2. Journaling prompts to help you cultivate a more positive mindset:
  • Five things you are grateful for and why
  • Five things you accomplished today
  • What are you proud of?
  • I feel my best when _____________.
  • What makes me the unique/sexy/awesome person that I am?
  • What makes me feel light, free, open and spontaneous?
3. Journaling prompts to hone-in on your goals, desires and what you really want to do:
  • If I had no other voices in my head influencing what I do and the decisions I make, what would I do? Where would I go? What would I try? What is it that I really want?
  • How do I want to feel in life?
  • What actions steps, changes and activities can I engage in to make myself feel this way?
  • How will I feel by accomplishing my dreams and goals?
  • How and why will I be successful in these endeavors?
  • Write your intention (I will....I intend to....I desire....)
Happy writing!

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