Friday, July 4, 2014

What is leading your life, courage or fear?

Do you make decisions based on fear or empowerment? Daily decisions. Weekly decisions. Monthly and yearly decisions. Decisions about the future. Are those decisions based on fear and “what could go wrong?” or are they based on positive thinking, courage and what could be “new and great?”

It’s a powerful question if you want to take the time to think about it. 

When you allow your actions and decisions to be made from a place of fear and unease, the chances of moving forward or changing a current (possibly negative) situation are slim to none. Making decisions from a place of doubt will only keep you on the same path. It is difficult to move forward without the support of an encouraging and empowered mindset. 

Just think about it. Where do your decisions come from? Fear and doubt or positivity and power?

It can be scary to make decisions from a place of courage, faith and positive thinking. That requires a lot of trust. Trust in yourself, trust in the world, trust in  your predominant faith/belief system. It’s sometimes easier to stay inside your comfort zone, even when that comfort zone is made up of discomfort and unhappiness. 

But…change and development occur when you make decisions and act upon the idea of “what could go right,” rather than “what could go wrong.”

Powerful change, in fact. 

When you allow yourself to listen to your intuition, your gut, your body, and yours alone, you have empowered yourself with the knowledge of what is truly right for youOnce you tap into that inner guidance, that inner glow stick, making decisions from a place of empowerment and trust become much easier. 

When that inner wisdom becomes the leader in your life, it’s easier to find the courage to take action, make change and exude positive energy. 

It’s easier to take that “leap of faith” when you were too timid to do so before. 
Your “what could go wrong?” has turned into “what could go right?” and your mindset and actions are driven by empowerment. (Which, let’s be honest, makes you feel like one BAMF. Think kicking down a door and making a grand entrance into your new life that you’ve had the power and courage to create. BAM.)

And when I say “new life,” it doesn’t have to be a new job in a new city with a new group of friends…it can be as simple as cultivating a more positive mindset, a shift in attitude or a commitment to practice more self-care and self-love. 

When actions and decisions are led from a place of courage and positive energy, you become closer to discovering, creating and enjoying the life you want. When you live life from a place of fear and “settling” because it’s become comfortable, you may never realize your true potential. 

Begin to consciously shift your mindset and make more decisions based on courage, trust and empowerment. Let your faith be bigger than your fears…and a world you never knew existed will open up to you. 

Try this: the next time you are faced with a decision, and you find yourself responding based on fear or wanting to stay in your comfort zone, take a step back and pause. Take a deep breath and choose the decision/action/path that will challenge you and one that requires a little more trust and faith to carry out. You’ll feel like you just jumped off a ledge without a parachute, but don’t worry, you won’t fall too far before you begin to soar. 

(Btw, for those who have lived in a cave their entire life: “BAMF” = Bad Ass Mother Fucker)

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