Thursday, July 10, 2014

Your New Favorite Drink! (and it's not what you think...)

Aaaaaand drumroll please...your new favorite drink is....




I cannot stress how important this is (or did the all-caps give it away?) Our bodies are made up of 65-70% water, so we, kinda, you know, need it to live. And the crazy thing is, almost 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Yikes.

So how much should we really be drinking? A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should be drinking at least 70oz of water daily. And no, coffee/soda/milk/vitamin water/Red Bull/sugar shit does not count. Fresh, clear, plain ole water. Bonus: if you eat lots of (raw) veggies, water-filled fruits (think, watermelon) and green juices you are hydrating body even more. Huzzah!

Dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, increased cravings and even cause sluggish bowel movements. And when we feel hungry, a lot of the time we're actually thirsty! It's a good idea to drink a glass of water when you start feeling hungry...because more often than not, you're probably just thirsty.

Hydrating yourself with enough water will have a natural cleansing effect on your body, as it helps flush out toxins and keeps your bowels regular and flowing (which is super important when it comes to your health. We won't "go there" today, but much of your overall well-being is a direct reflection of your gut health.)

Drinking lots of water will also help reduce cravings. When you hydrate your body properly, you won't go as cray cray with those sugar/junk food/cheese/bread cravings. By drinking half your body weight in water, you will begin to feel more refreshed, awake and revived as well. Clients I've worked with have reported that their mid-morning and afternoon slumps became much less noticeable when they drank enough water (diet also plays a role in those "slumps," but again, another article for another time). Also...clearer, brighter, less wrinkled skin? Yep. Water. You'll have a more glowing complexion.

Put It Into Practice

1. Before you start sipping chugging your coffee and/or tea each morning, have a big glass of water. You don't have to stand at the sink and throw it back like you're having a beer drinking contest, but sip on it throughout the morning while you're getting ready or before you sit down to eat breakfast.

2. One of the easiest ways to ensure you are drinking enough water is to buy a reusable water bottle. Get a pretty one ;) Keep it by your side, on your desk, in your purse, take it with you on car rides, have it be your gym get the picture. My reusable water bottle is I'm able to keep track of how much water I'm drinking by how many times I refill it. Pretty handy.

3. When you start to feel hungry, have a glass of water or take a few sips from your water bottle. Most of the time we feel hungry, we're actually just thirsty. That begin said, if you're still feeling hungry after you have your water, definitely eat!

4. Start small. Replace one caffeinated or "fake" drink with water each day. Instead of reaching for a third cup of coffee, a soda or Red Bull in the afternoon, etc., replace it with agua. Just give it a try :)
And here's a handy 7 Reasons to Drink More Water guide. Pin it, share it, love it, save it to your phone, print it out, hang it on your fridge, frame it (just kidding).

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