Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Six Most Powerful Words You Can Say To Yourself

"It's a good thing I'm me."

I will never forget the moment I said those words to myself. The profound effect those six simple words had on my mindset and the places it has given me the courage to go. 

I had just finished talking with my family about my plans (well, at that point they were more of a vague idea) of moving up to Napa Valley to work in hospitality. It was an uplifting and encouraging talk, but I still was overwhelmed at the prospect of doing something that involved such a radical change in my life. And the overwhelming emotions kicked my ego/mind into high-gear...and I began to tell myself I wasn't good enough to find a job in a new area, that I was making a mistake, etc. 

I went to the bathroom to pee and zen out (normal?) for a second. At that point, the thoughts swirling around my mind went something like this: You want to find out more about wine and hospitality Lindsey? Yeah, you and everyone else in that region. What makes you think you even have a chance of being successful at that? You're not any different from all those people. AND you have zero hospitality experience. LOL, REALLY? My mind continued this string of thoughts until I looked at myself in the mirror and a small, but strong voice came out of nowhere and said:

"Well, it's a good thing I'm me."

It almost felt like I had been slapped in the face or another person had said those words. But was me. My inner voice and wisdom finally standing up to my mind and its bullying tendencies. 

I blinked and stared into the mirror. Rapidly feeling a sense of expansion and self-criticism being lifted from my shoulders. 

Of course I could do the move and get a job. I was me. I had the power to make it happen. As does everyone else. And if it didn't happen, then something better would come as a result of simply trying for it in the first place. What did I have to lose? 

And looking back, I have to laugh. Saying such self-empowering words to myself while looking in the mirror, when years before the mirror had been a source of such self-loathing and negativity. Using it to hate and pick apart my body, trying to fit some delusional expectation I had about the way I should look. It was my worst enemy for years, but now I looked at myself and felt empowerment, not inability and hatred

Since then, those 6 simple words began a profound shift in life. My mind, my ego, usually the home of self-doubt and criticism has slowly started joining the same team as my heart and inner wisdom. It's no longer a booming voice that drowns out my heart-induced feelings and inspirations. 

Now whenever I'm faced with a challenging situation or an important opportunity, I am being greeted by self-doubt less and less. Sure, it's still there and doesn't go away overnight. But by nurturing and loving that inner voice of mine, and allowing it the freedom and space to speak, it's become stronger. And that little, encouraging voice in my mind has given me the comfort and confidence to "go for it." To try for something I really want. In so many different aspects of my life.

Thoughts become things and that is certainly true when it comes to the conversations you have with yourself. Allow your inner wisdom and voice the space to speak and guide you. Greet that self-doubting ego with a big, respectful "hello!" but then gently remind it that you're going to focus on your intuitive voice instead. Because the more you fight the ego, the stronger it gets. 

Here's how I think of it: let your heart lead you and let your mind say, "Ok. Game Plan!" Because you do need both; your logical, analytical mind and your intuitive, dream-following heart...but when the two are at odds or if you are constantly led by one and not the other, life gets thrown out of balance. It's hard to move forward in a positive, inspiring way. When that happens to me, I just feel like I'm stuck. My heart is pushing on the gas pedal, but my mind still has the car in park because it's afraid and doubtful. 

Don't let you mind bully your body and inner wisdom. Begin to view your mind and intuition as being on the same team. So, the next time you're filled with self-doubt, go to the bathroom to pee and zen out, look at yourself in the mirror and say "It's a good thing I'm me." And then go conquer the world. 

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