Monday, July 7, 2014

The most important moment of the Hay House Writer's Workshop (and some inspirational goodies!)

It was a week ago today that I came home from the Hay House Writer’s Workshop in Denver. It feels like just yesterday that I was there. But it also feels like this past week has lasted a year. Weird? 

Despite my time/space confusion, I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes from last weekend! And I also wanted to share the most important moment of the weekend...for me, at least. And it all happened during the last three minutes of the workshop on Sunday evening. 

For the past month or so, I’ve been telling my parents and those close to me that I feel like I’m standing on a cliff overlooking an ocean…but the ocean is covered in clouds and fog and I can’t see what’s beneath it. I hear seagulls crying and waves crashing and hissing as they wash up the shore, but I can’t see anything. I know and feel that something huge and amazing is underneath those clouds, but I don’t know what it is. The clouds are going to clear soon though, I can feel it. 

This image is coming from a more intuitive place, I’m sure, and it is constantly in my mind. 

During the last minutes of the workshop on Sunday evening, Nancy Levin (the Hay House Event Director) closed the workshop by reading a poem she had written in her book, Jump…And Your Life Will Appear

One of the last lines of the poem was this: 
“The clouds unveil the views when you are ready for the climb.”

I felt like I had been slapped in the face. 

“The clouds unveil the views when you are ready for the climb.”

The quote applied so perfectly to what I had been feeling for so long…and that’s when the tears started. 

I snuffled and blinked furiously as the workshop ended and then darted into the bathroom where I found a stall of safety for my tears to flow more freely. I was almost shaking. My heart swelled with some feeling that I couldn’t quite recognize.

As if I needed any more green flashing karmic arrows, it was then when I looked up at my coffee cup which I had placed precariously on top of the toilet paper dispenser. The message written on the sleeve, facing directly at me said: “Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose.”

OK. Ok, Universe. Ok.

Yes, I know, Oprah Winfrey’s words are on about three million other Starbucks coffee sleeves, but it still felt like another sign to me.

I regained my composure, unlocked the stall door, washed my hands and did one last loop around the conference center before heading back to my hotel. My sunglasses were pressed firmly into my face, as I was susceptible for more teary moments on the walk home. 

I relaxed at my hotel room that evening, listening to the crooning, soulful voice of Amy Winehouse, soaking up the energy of the day. Around dinner time, I filled up my water bottle with some white wine (truly the most rebellious thing I’ve ever done, other than accidentally running a red light) and walked to a small park next to my hotel. 

I laid down on the grassy hill and looked up at the blue sky, scattered with white, wispy clouds. Feeling peace and tranquility that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I sipped my wine and closed my eyes; embracing every last bit of passion, drive and excitement I had felt during the workshop. 

I am so grateful that experience. I could feel going into the weekend that there was going to be some major shift that came from it, and I was right. The workshop was exactly the fuel I needed to make the glowing embers turn into a fire. 

Here are some goodies I made from my favorite quotes at the Hay House Writer’s Workshop! Enjoy, Pin, Facebook, Instagram, Tweet, Share <3 


  1. Yay inspirational conferences that actually inspire us!
    and give us tools to go do something with it!
    Nice website, Lindsey :-)

  2. Thank you Tia!! I agree-- yay for workshops that have true inspirational juice and useful information! So glad I went to it :)
