Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This Week In Happiness

My internet navigation skills have brought me to these articles/sites/pictures/quotes/thoughts...enjoy and HAPPY TUESDAY!! ( << Because why not celebrate today like it's special?)

Elite Daily: Discovering Your Entrepreneurial Spirit: Why All Millennials Should Try To Take Their Ideas To The Next Level. Not only did I agree with and relate to almost 100% of this article, but it made me feel better about writing long-ass titles and capitalizing "the" in those said titles. (#itsthesmallthingsinlife)

Find Your Spirit Animal: I got on the subject of Spirit Animals while having dinner with a friend last night. Pretty cool. Check out the quiz here.

Thought of the Day: Everything serves a purpose and happens for a reason. Keep going.

Arrow quote

Health: Why coconut water (well, coconut anything in my opinion) is bomb. And of course, Trader Joe's is aiding my obsession of coconut water/oil/milk/roasted chips (FML they're good).

Inspiration: Shine from the inside out <3glow

Mind: Pick three to five words to describe how you want to feel in your life. For example, my words are, "light, vibrant, free, energetic, balanced." Now list three to five things you can do today to feel that way. And what actions can you take this week to feel that way? Strive to pursue your goals through how you want to feel in your life. Solid, materialistic, I-can-actually-touch it, goals are practical and necessary, but when it comes to the bigger picture of life and happiness, following those "core desired feelings" will really take you to the places you want to go. When I follow my core desired feelings (or try to at least!) I find I have a greater sense of happiness, abundance and peace in my life, no matter what ups or downs I may be going through.

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