Monday, September 29, 2014

Doing It: The Magic Behind Turning Your Thoughts Into Action

Taking chances. Just doing it. 

This usually requires taking a step outside our comfort zone. 

Buuuut, wouldn't it be easier if we could just tip-toe around what we really want in hopes that we get there anyways without having to take a leap of faith?

Alas, if only things really worked that way. So often we hide behind the safety of "thinking" about doing something, rather than just doing it. 

A good friend of mine sent me an email yesterday and wrote "I decided to stop thinking about doing things, and just start doing them." 

How beautiful is that? 

She was vulnerable enough to set aside whatever limiting mindset had been keeping those things simply as thoughts, and she just started doing. 

Actually doing it...that's the real magic. The things in your mind don't come to fruition by simply dreaming about how great they will be. (Although that would be lovely!) And the excuse of "I'm going to keep thinking about these ideas because I want them to be perfect before I share them" doesn't cut it either (*cough* Me. *cough*).

I was giddy with excitement for her. She took that step from "wouldn't it be great if..." to actually doing it. Huge. I've always believed, especially because I've seen this happen in my own life, when you start "going for it," that mindset becomes a habit. Once you realize that doing those things you are thinking about isn't causing an explosion or post-nasal keep doing them. It's empowering. Jumping into that next level or committing to that next chapter of your life is exciting! You begin to understand your own power and the power you have to shape your life. It wasn't that just had to take action and do it. 

Ok, ok, I know, it is easier said than done. So here are some things I've used to get me from thoughts to action. And its worked. 

1. "Whose voice is that?"
When you have a voice in your head that is negative or doubtful, questioning what you want and making you feel bad, know that it is NOT your true inner voice or wisdom. That negative voice is coming from someone or something else. Whenever I get a negative voice I ask, "whose voice is that?" Because that doubtful voice is never your own. It's your parents, family, friends, a societal standard, an article in a magazine, etc. Knowing that voice is not your own helps you disconnect from it and follow your gut more easily. (PS: If that negative voice ever comes back to revisit, even after you've realized it's not your own, greet it with a big hello and say "thank you, but you are not serving my higher purpose." Boom. Roasted.)

2. If you knew no one else in this world, what would you do? 
Ok, weird one, I know. And a little sad. But just roll with me here. Think about it...if you didn't feel like you had any commitments or obligations to anyone/anything else, if you were free from judgement, if you were the only person you had to please...what would you do? The first couple things that pop into your mind are usually what your intuition is telling you to do. They're usually things you want to do, but the little negative voice is holding you back. ...So release that negative voice.  

Always remember: "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." There is a difference between "not succeeding" and "failure." Failure is what happens when you don't even try in the first place. Not succeeding is when that thing you tried just didn't work out. And that's ok. You'll never know unless you try. 

Take that chance. DO it. Don't limit yourself to simply thinking about it. You could be thinking about it the rest of your life. So whether it's committing yourself to doing a 5-minute meditation every morning, going a week without coffee (God bless you), moving to a new city, switching careers, or releasing a relationship that is no longer serving can do it. 

When you start doing what is in alignment with your heart and soul, you start bringing even more of your gifts into this world. And they are only gifts that you can give. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Let Go of Perfect

My vlog topic today: Perfection. 

How our idea and definition of "perfect" or "perfection," can be really limiting. 

For me personally, I tend to not post videos or blogs because I don't think they're "perfect" enough. Or I don't look "good enough" to post a video. I'm too embarrassed. Or I'm afraid that my idea isn't be "perfect" enough to be shared. Hell, it keeps me from wearing certain clothes sometimes because I don't think my body looks "perfect" or "good enough" to wear it. 

But I don't think I'm the only one being held back by that unattainable ideal of "perfect." It's ok for us to want things to be polished, professional, well-thought out, etc...but when it comes to us limiting or holding ourselves back because we're waiting for ourselves or something external to be "perfect"....Eff no. Let it go. Release it. 

So this video (far from my idea of "perfect") is me standing up to my standard of perfect when it comes to my writing and sharing of ideas. Shit, the video doesn't even fill up the entire YouTube screen ;) 

Enjoy! I'd love to hear any thoughts/ideas on this topic!

P.S. Since making this video I have found out my "temporary" living situation will now be my "permanent" living situation. Huzzah! 


In my new neighborhood
Hello Beautiful Cyberspace Blog World!!

I'm back.

I know, I've been MIA for the past month or so.

Lots of (positive) change has been going on in my life, which required a lot of time/effort/energy/brain power/emotional endurance, so I gave my semi-Type A self permission to put The Glow Stick Diaries on a temporary "hold" while I focused my energies on my transitions.

Transitions include:

1. Deciding I wanted to pursue a job/career in holistic health and wellness in San Francisco.
2. Applying, interviewing and getting a new job in SF.
3. Putting in my two-weeks notice at work and packing up my apartment.
4. Saying good-bye to very special and wonderful people in my life (although I will see them fairly often...Napa isn't too far away ;)
5. Apartment searching in SF (what a shit show).
6. Putting my stuff in storage, moving into my apartment, starting a new job...

And currently tying up a few loose ends here and there. But other than that, my decision to move to San Francisco has been one of the best I made. Although I ran the gamut of emotions over this past month with all the change, it was all positive and so invigorating.

View from Alta Plaza park...a few blocks away.
I've only been in the city two weeks, but I feel so at home, so inspired, so comfortable and already feel like I have a work family. So grateful.

And might I add...after just 2 weeks of walking up these damned butt looks fantastic.

Anyways, even though full-on writing was on the back burner this past month, I certainly wasn't short of ideas, thoughts, inspiration, etc. Every time something popped into my mind, I wrote it down on a scrap piece of paper, on my iPhone, emailed it to myself - anything!

Blue Bottle Coffee = <3
So what I'm trying to say is, get ready for an outpouring of Lindsey's brain.

I'm so excited to get back to my passion project again :) I love writing, helping and inspiring in any way I can.

And as I sit here in my new, basically almost permanent (the landlord still needs to do *final* approval of my application) apartment, I am filled with such peace and gratitude.

Sending so much love to everyone and all my friends and family who have been there every second for me during this transition. I am one lucky girl to have so many supportive, encouraging people in my life. Thank you!